• Natural Living
  • Tips for a Healthier Pregnancy

    If there is a single most important time to care for our bodies, it’s during pregnancy! Not only is our own health being considered, but also that of that sweet growing baby! It’s also no secret that our bodies like to get a little unpredictable during pregnancy and tend to really crave or have insane […]

  • Healthy Foods
  • Spicy Fajita Rice Recipe

    I am obsessed with flavor. I hate bland foods which can definitely be a challenge when you’re trying to transition from fried, greasy, artificial flavor coated foods to naturally seasoned, real foods. I was always the person to cover everything in hot sauce, ketchup, dipping sauce, salt, A1, you name it. I couldn’t eat anything […]

  • Healthy Foods
  • Homemade Seasoning Recipes

    In almost every “simple” recipe you find on pinterest or basically anywhere you look, there is bound to be mention of some kind of seasoning or flavor packet. Especially when it comes to casseroles, dips, and most all Mexican foods. Things like taco seasoning, enchilada seasoning, grilling seasoning, ranch flavor packets and many more. These […]