One thing I vividly remember growing up was mom making banana nut bread… oh my goodness, it was so sweet and moist, and that delicious cinnamon banana flavor was just incredible. But since we cut out wheat flour, I’ve had a hard time replicating it. I’ve gotten kind of close, but nothing that was really […]
Healthy Foods
(Mostly) Guilt Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
I fully admit, I still HAVE to eat chocolate. It’s my main weakness when it comes to eating healthy. I keep a giant bag of dark chocolate chips in my freezer and have a handful probably once a day… Hopefully one day I’ll get myself to eat less of it, but for now I let myself indulge […]
Raspberry Baked Oatmeal
One thing with trying to go relatively gluten/sugar/flour/dairy free…. breakfast can be tough. We definitely don’t do it perfectly by any means, but we try. Thankfully this is a SUPER easy recipe that can hit every single one of those goals! Plus Ezra LOVES it. He asks for baked oatmeal all the time and would […]
Easy Avocado Recipe Even Kids Will Like!
Even though avocado was the first real food Ezra ever ate and I had every intention of him LOVING avocados and craving them all the time, that didn’t exactly happen. Though he does love fruits and vegetables, he’s definitely not a fan of raw, plain avocado so I’ve had to find ways to add them […]
My Favorite Sugar Substitutes
I know you have read quite a few times by now that I try to avoid processed sugar as much as possible. I’ve shared a few reasons why (like this post on my skin), but there is so much more about sugar that needs to be said. Sugar is kind of like gluten: everyone seems […]
Spicy Fajita Rice Recipe
I am obsessed with flavor. I hate bland foods which can definitely be a challenge when you’re trying to transition from fried, greasy, artificial flavor coated foods to naturally seasoned, real foods. I was always the person to cover everything in hot sauce, ketchup, dipping sauce, salt, A1, you name it. I couldn’t eat anything […]
Homemade Seasoning Recipes
In almost every “simple” recipe you find on pinterest or basically anywhere you look, there is bound to be mention of some kind of seasoning or flavor packet. Especially when it comes to casseroles, dips, and most all Mexican foods. Things like taco seasoning, enchilada seasoning, grilling seasoning, ranch flavor packets and many more. These […]
How to Eat Healthier When You Eat Out
When you begin trying to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself, eating out can be one of the most frustrating and complicated things you have to deal with! For a while I just felt like I had to avoid it altogether (which honestly would most likely be the best thing to do), but sometimes that […]
Almond Flour Pancakes (and Why Real Syrup is the Best!)
We love almond flour in our house. It is one of the most versatile gluten free, healthy flours and is easily substituted for wheat flour in most all baking recipes. We love it in cookies, brownies, cake, muffins, and one of our favorites, pancakes! Craig and I have both always loved waffles and pancakes so […]
What is the Deal with Gluten?
Gluten is such a HUGE topic in the health food world today. Some people swear it’s evil and some say it’s totally harmless. So what is the deal with this somewhat enigmatic substance? I still have a lot to learn, but I have discovered a few things in my own experience with trying a gluten […]